Blog XMAS in Europe Day 1

Hello everyone and welcome to our blog! Here we are going to tell you all about our visit in The Hague.

We started our trip at 1pm this afternoon and arrived around 3pm. Then we got our stuff settled in our rooms. After that was done we went to the nearby school to put most of our foods in the freezer and the refrigerator. Then we went to eat in a beautiful Italian restaurant called Fratelli where we have a delicious plate of Italian specialties which we enjoyed a lot!

At 9 pm we got a speech downstairs about everything that awaits us this coming week and of course also about the rules that apply in the hotel.

This was our blog for today, more will follow tomorrow! Greetings from The Hague!

Jirto, Weber, Seppe, Jayce, Liena, Tina and Peter

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