Blog XMAS in Europe Day 3

Day Three of Our Blog

This morning, I took some photos of the presentations about the different cultures of various countries, and everyone was so kind.
In the afternoon, we enjoyed a delightful meal. It was a lunch with a twist, offering a choice of hamburgers, pulled chicken, and a falafel burger. After eating, we went on a pleasant walk through The Hague with a guide from the Mondriaan school. It was so interesting and fun to learn more about The Hague. We explored beautiful spots in the city, visited Museum Escher, saw some elegant hotel buildings, and walked through green spaces in the city center. We also got to taste a Haagse kakker.

In the evening, the different countries presented their national dishes. We tasted delicious food and even danced a bit. Then, we gave our presentation about Belgium, and the audience was very happy with it. We also enjoyed listening to the presentations of other cultures.

We returned to the hotel late and went straight to sleep.



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