Blog XMAS in Europe Day 5

Last Day in The Hague

This morning, we took public transportation to the museum. We visited a panoramic cinema where we watched a documentary about the animals of the world.

Afterwards, we went to a nearby museum and enjoyed a beautiful collection of Dior clothing, an art museum focused on desserts, and an interactive sustainability exhibit. Following that, we grabbed some food, which came in a bag with drinks. Then we took the bus, which was very crowded. Our teachers went to the Christmas fair for shopping, while some of us visited a store and others went climbing.

Later, it was time for the gala dinner, which featured a stunning singing performance by the DAPA school between courses. After all the delicious food, we had a fun flash mob with everyone. Then, we had an amazing party at the hotel with great music.

Around 1 a.m., we headed to our rooms to sleep. Goodbye, and have a Merry Christmas and wonderful holidays!

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